
Saturday, June 19, 2010


I busted my butt this week, monitoring caloric intake + exercising M-Th (not just easy stuff, either).

I was literally VIBRATING come 10pm last night because I hadn't been active all day.  What's that about? Definitely a one-eighty from where I was 6 months ago. :)  Mike was about to strangle me.

Picked up my team shirt for the You Go Girl run in September in Tacoma.  SO EXCITED!

I picked up an XL - though hopefully I will be able to fit into an L come September.  I'll rock the mid-90s t-shirt ring if I need to. :)   I also picked up a few dri-fit t's and - drumroll please - a pair of LARGE Nike running shorts.  My first time in an 'L' anything in years.  EEeeep.  My XL running pants are getting super baggy, and starting to sag when I run.  Ye-ah.  NOT the prettiest picture.

M & the dog are off to his parent's house for Father's Day.  I think I'll lounge about today and do 30-Day Shred tonight with the cat.  She enjoys watching me make a fool of myself.


  1. Cute shirt! Yeah, I always wonder what my dogs are thinking when I do a workout video or even run on the treadmill....I'm bound to look silly!

  2. haha Tall mom was just saying she wanted that shirt too :)
