
Friday, July 9, 2010

I figure I'll be posting here more often during SWLC - so I should post a bit more about me & how I've come to have a mid-life crisis at 25.

I've been pudgy since I was born.  I did manage to lose my baby fat and some extra pounds for about a month during 8th grade, but have always otherwise been hiding in clothes and avoiding swimsuits. 

I was very active growing up - running around with friends and riding horses.  I rode horses for nearly 6 years - English (Hunters).   There is nothing better for your core strength and quads than sitting atop a giant horse and launching over jumps.  Nothing. 

When I was 16, I stopped riding due to time demands with friends + school.  I switched to bowling for my 10, 11, and 12 grade years.  We competed at the State HS Competition all three years, and we were pretty darn good my senior year.

Then, college hit.  I got a new boyfriend (hi M!), commuted ALL around the Puget Sound in my car, and developed the poor nutrition habits that most of us seem to adopt when we're out on our own for the first time.  Heading into my junior year of college, M and I moved in together, and the diet took a nose dive again.  We were both busy - M commuting nearly 90 miles a day and me trying to get through Business School. 

After school, I took a job managing a lady's gym 25 miles south of my home.  It was an awful experience.  I was surrounded by women all day (mostly) miserable about their weight/body condition.  I heard kvetching about food, exercise, and everything under the sun for eight hours a day.  I lasted about 4 months.  The kvetching wore its way into my head - and I was upset and sad with my body & my lack of commitment.

Fast forward a few months, and I had a great contract position at my now-permanent company.  M & I had just purchased our home, and I finally had a structure to my day I could deal with.  I started doing personal training at a small studio two blocks from my house, and monitoring caloric intake. 

Nothing was really gained, however.  I wasn't dedicated, slipped up, and made excuses.  I would even let Trainer Erik take my body fat % because I was too embarrassed.  What's the point of doing training and finally owning up to your bad habits if you can't even ADMIT what those bad habits have got you to?

I told Trainer Erik I was going to 'focus on my career' for a while, and abandoned all context of diet, moderation, or exercise.  I did focus on my career - and now, two years later, have moved quickly within the company in a permanent position.  The time & energy spent on my career for two years killed me health wise.  I was a mess.  I had gained probably 10-15 lbs, my skin was pale and yellow.  Walking up the single big hill to our building everyday left me a sweaty, panting mess.  Yechhhh.  I'm 25!  And can't even walk up a hill!

Now, five months after my 25 birthday and the beginning of my mid-life crisis, I can run 1 mile without stopping.  When I started, I could barely make it down the block.  I can make it through the 30 Day Shred without puking or stopping.  I've lost two pants sizes (18 to 14) and a size up top.  I can see my collar bones, and my rings fit again.

And I don't want to stop.  It'd be so easy to stop now - say 'Hey, I'm at my HS weight, that's good enough for now'.   But it isn't.

I'll keep going.  I don't want to be 120 lbs - but I want to be healthy.  I want to be able to hike, canoe, and do all of the other things I've been scared to do my entire life. 

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