
Monday, May 17, 2010


Tonight's run was originally to be run at Greenlake w/ Ali & Lindsey from C25K class. Alas, our neighborhood's big parade today and thus I was unable to escape to Greenlake.

Instead, I set out on my normal Burke Gilman route. Everything was going great. My breathing was steady, my legs were strong. I hit .75 miles and noticed I wasn't able to take my deep breaths like usual. I checked GusGus the GPS and was running at a RIDICULOUS pace of 10:30 min miles. WHAT.

I pushed through to the end, but ended up gasping for breath and sitting on the curb to catch my breath. NOT FUN. I made it back up the hill home, and was able to run for most of the way home. I had to take some walking breaks, as I couldn't quite catch my breath.

Goals for this week? Running more than 1 mile without stopping. I've proven I can consistently go 3 miles with walking breaks, but need to start stringing those miles together.

As mentioned earlier, I've also begun kicking around training for the Seattle Half Marathon in late November. That gives me almost 40 weeks to train. This is week 2 of training for me - I'm moving days around as need be, but aiming to end up w/ the correct amount of weekly mileage.
This week's plan:

Mon: 2 m run
Tue 2 m run
Wed 1.5 m run or cross (will likely 30 DS Weds)
Thu 3 m run
Fri rest
Sat 30 min cross
Sun 2 m run

Echhhh. We'll see how this goes.

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