
Tuesday, June 8, 2010


The last few weeks have been stressful.  I went to NYC for a work trip and managed to run once - which was great.  Unfortunately, I took most of the week before & week after off, due to sheer mental exhaustion and a severe lack of planning for NYC trip.

I gained a few lbs in NYC, and a few more over Memorial Day weekend due to poor decisions on my part.  Hot dogs, cookie dough, pie, ye-ah.

I told myself that Tuesday I would get back to it, burn off the few pounds, get back to 200 even where I was before I left for NYC...but I didn't.  I snuck bad food, didn't run, and only managed to lose 2 lbs.  I felt FAT!  I really should have taken 'before' pictures of this journey for weeks like this.

I'm rededicating myself for the summer to DOING IT AND DOING IT WELL!

A few random goals:

1)  Lose 25 lbs by Sept 29 (anniversary w/ M)
2)  Lose 15 of those lbs by August 7 (family gathering)
3)  Try CrossFit
4)  Think I am signing up for a 5:30am (gulp!) Boot Camp for the month of July, 3x/week
5)  Try biking (need a bike)
6)  Continue making good eating choices, but enjoy summer BBQ's with good portion decisions
7) Continue to save $$ by taking my lunch to work and eliminating the Starbucks runs every AM ($3.19/day)

Well, there's seven things.  Let's do this.

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