
Tuesday, July 27, 2010

SOWL Week 3

Current Weight: 194
LW Weight: 195
LW Loss: -1
Total Loss: -6

Does anyone else lose weight like I do? One massive week of loss, then little numbers for a while, then another massive week? Frustrating!

But, one pound, I'll take, given last week's slip-ups. I'm going to list them, because it's a perfect example of how things add up. I kept saying 'oh this is just a small little thing today'. I stayed within calorie limits 6/7 days - but look at the bad things I ate!

Monday: N/A
Tuesday: 5 beers
Wednesday: 16oz Diet Coke, 1/2 Doughnut
Thursday: Specialty's Cookie
Friday: 1 Beer
Saturday: 3 fried Mini Corndogs, 10 french fries, hot dog + bun
Sunday: GIANT hot dog + bun, 1 16oz Microbrew, 1 16oz Coors Light

Eeeeep! Ahhhh well. Last week was a rough week, and this week is already looking 10000x better. I have two weeks until vacation, and I intend on hitting 190 before I leave. :)

Goals for week four:

Mental: Go! Push it!

Diet: More greens. Less bread carbs.

Exercise: Five miles on Tuesday night, another 5 on Sunday. Yeeahahhhhh.


  1. Congrats on another successful week (in spite of some slip-ups)! When I lost weight, I *never* lost more than one pound a week, no matter how careful or crappy I ate. It was sort of a bummer at the time, taking over nine months to lose 30 pounds.

  2. HEHEHE I would NEVER want to write all the BAD things I eat. I am a beer girl too! 6 lbs is GREAT Chels!!

  3. So true how everything adds up...and did you go to the baseball game on Sunday? :)

    I think you are doing so great! Congrats on the loss!

  4. When I lost weight it was definitely that way and probably for what you listed above! i would do really good then be proud of myself and eat all kinds of things I shouldn't :)
